WORLD WAR 3||What the hell is going on in the world||Russia again threatens nuclear attack on Ukraine

 WORLD WAR 3||What the hell is going on in the world||Russia again threatens nuclear attack on Ukraine |tranding now|Russia Ukraine conflict

Russian Foreign Minister said - we will not stop firing nuclear weapons to protect ourselves


In the midst of the Ukraine war, Russia has again threatened a nuclear attack on Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that we have no intention of carrying out a nuclear attack, but if we are attacked.

So we will not hold back from using nuclear weapons for our defence. In an interview, he accused the US and other Western countries of spreading false rumors of a nuclear attack.

 Russia Threat - We can go to any extent to protect ourselves.

 Russian President Vladimir Putin also accused Western countries of 'nuclear blackmail' a few days ago. He said that some big leaders of NATO are threatening to use nuclear weapons against Russia.

 Then Putin said that if Western countries blackmail us about the use of nuclear weapons, then Russia will also respond with all its might. We can go to any extent to protect our country. For this Putin has signed a decree regarding the mobilization of the army.

Ukrainian ready for Russian nuclear attack; Food and water kept in bunkers for two weeks already 

Alexander Cadet's home in the Ukraine lies behind a shed that contains an underground room. A ladder is located six and a half feet below the surface to get there. After two weeks of laborious effort, Aleksandr, 32, who lives outside of Kiev, has transformed an old well into a bunker alongside his wife.

However, they also wish they wouldn't ever need to use this chamber again. However, he has also kept water bottles, pre-packaged food, a radio, and a power bank in this bunker in case of a nuclear assault.

Ukraine blew up Russia's important bridge on October 8, then Putin took revenge

The 24 February–8 October escalation of the Russia–Ukraine conflict. Ukraine destroyed the Kerch Bridge in Russia on this day. Russia and Crimea are connected by this bridge. 48 hours later, on October 10, Russia launched 83 missiles against Ukraine in retaliation. The Ukrainian Parkovy Bridge was also damaged during this. On the Niper River, it was constructed for pedestrians. In addition, Russia has detained 8 Ukrainians for blowing up the Kerch Bridge.

Russia desires to conquer four regions of Ukraine.

Putin has actually strengthened Russia's military might and stepped up his preparations to annex the Ukrainian Donbass. In addition to Donbass, Russia is attempting to take Kherson and Zaporizhia from Ukraine. Putin has mandated the holding of a referendum in these regions.

Russia has been threatening from the start of the war.

Western nations began fighting against Russia right from the start of the conflict. Several limitations were also put in place. On March 10, Putin made the following statement: "Western nations have placed unwarranted restrictions on us." As a result, Russia is having a lot of issues.

• On April 28, Putin issued a fresh warning to Western nations. The strike is being provoked by America and its friends, he had claimed.

Russia wants to occupy 4 parts of Ukraine

 In fact, Putin has increased Russia's military power and has intensified preparations to take over the Donbass of Ukraine. Apart from Donbass, Russia is trying to annex Kherson and Zaporizhia of Ukraine as its part. Putin has ordered a referendum to be held in these areas. 
